Sunday, 17 November 2024

To determine specific gravity and voids content of a given sample of a) Fine aggregates. b) Coarse aggregates.


OBJECT: - To determine specific gravity and voids content of a given sample of

a) Fine aggregates.

b) Coarse aggregates.


APPARATUS: - Balance with an accuracy of 0.5gm. Vessel 1.00 liter capacity a or a.


METHOD:-(A) for fine aggregate: -

1. First weight the container empty, record it as W.

2. Fill the container to the brim by the sample of the fine aggregate weight it record as W2.

3. Now pour the water in the aggregate till it comes to brim and again weight it and record it as W3 also while pouring water stir it well to ensure no entrapped air in the sample.

4. Now throw the sample and clean it and then again fill it up to brim by water and weight it and record it as W4.




 (B) For Coarse Aggregate:-

              Take the bucket instead of the small container and repeat the entire process.


Specific gravity       =                          W2-Wi  

                                               {W4-(W3-W2)} – WI


Voids content          =                       (W3-W2)



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