Wednesday, 13 November 2024



The common man who is not expected to have a background in the design of buildings thinks that is my building safe against earthquakes? This is a question that everybody should be concerned about. Many earthquakes have taken place recently in India and its neighborhood [eg., Uttarkashi (1991), Latur (1993), Jabalpur (1997), Bhuj (2001), Sumatra and Andaman Islands (2004), Kashmir (2005)] and these have proved to be disastrous. A large number of buildings have collapsed and countless lives have been lost. There is usually a huge public outcry after every disaster. But public memory is shortlived, and people tend to forget, until another major tremor occurs to wake them up. When and where will that quake happen? Nobody can predict this. But when it comes one day, unexpectedly, it destroys our buildings and takes our lives. Can we do something to save our lives and protect our buildings?

While building our house, make sure it is designed for your safety. See that your building is designed and built as per the norms laid by the BIS codes. Earthquake causes most of loss of life that occurs due to the collapse of buildings, constructed with traditional and conventional materials, which were not engineered with respect to earthquake resistant houses. The term non-engineered buildings may only be vaguely defined as buildings that are of spontaneously and informally constructed in traditional manner without intervention by qualified civil engineers. It may follow a set of recommendations of trained engineering judgment that are derived from observed behavior of such buildings during past earthquakes. Observations of structural performance of buildings during an earthquake can clearly identify the strong and weak aspects of the design as well as the desirable quantities of materials and techniques of construction. The study of damage therefore provides an important step in the evolution of strengthening measures for different types of buildings.

In the present time, people want to make buildings interesting rather than monotonous. However, this need not be done at the cost of poor behavior and earthquake safety of buildings. Architectural features that are detrimental to earthquake response of buildings should be avoided. If not, they must be minimized. When irregular features are included in buildings, a considerably higher level of engineering effort is required in the structural design and yet the building may not be as good as one with simple architectural features.

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