Thursday 21 December 2023

Probability and Statistics FOR GATE EXAM

Dear Students

Engineering Mathematics is a key subject in the GATE 2024 Exam, with 13% weightage, and it is simple to obtain full 13% marks with right GATE Mathematics Study Materials and proper guidance . These 13% will make your GATE certification a breeze. However, good GATE Math's study materials are difficult to come across.

I prepared engineering math study materials and today we will start with Probability and Statistics

 Definition of Probability 

Consider a random experiment which results in a sample space containing n(S) cases
which are exhaustive, mutually exclusive and equally likely. Suppose, out of n(S) cases,
n(A) cases are favourable to an event A. Then the probability of event A is denoted by 
P(A) and is defined as follows. 
some basics terms related to probability are 

Random Experiment 
Consider an action which is repeated under essentially identical conditions. If it results in
any one of the several possible outcomes, but it is not possible to predict which outcome
will appear. Such an action is called as a Random Experiment. One performance of such
an experiment is called as a Trial. 

Sample Space 
The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called as the sample space.
All the elements of the sample space together are called as ‘exhaustive cases’. The
number of elements of the sample space i.e. the number of exhaustive cases is denoted
by n(S) or N or n. 
Any subset of the sample space is called as an ‘Event’ and is denoted by some capital
letter like A, B, C etc

Favorable cases  
The cases which ensure the happening of an event A, are called as the cases favorable
to the event A. The number of cases favorable to event A is denoted by n(A) 

Mutually Exclusive Events or Disjoint Events 
Two events A and B are said to be mutually exclusive or disjoint if 
i.e. if there is no element common to A & B. . 

Equally Likely Cases 
Cases are said to be equally likely if they all have the same chance of occurrence i.e. no
case is preferred to any other case. 

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